Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The skinny,...on being 'skinny'!

As a youngster, I performed a literary examination of many a comic book, and one constant always prevailed,...either inside the back, or the front cover, I'd find the 'skinny' child lurking !!! In a most popular display, some hapless muscle challenged child or teenager was portrayed having sand kicked in their face by a local bully. Accompanying this displayed 'problem' was a simplified (for a small price) solution; a bodybuilding course offering the procurer strength, security, and increased social standing !

Recently President Obama stated to foreign audiences that the United States doesn't consider itself a Christian nation. This, in spite of the existing mountains of paper, rivers of ink, innumerable placards & inscriptions, our defining history, and time-honored traditions attesting to the contrary;...and, additionally, the daily religious activities and general concensus of this nation's people. I may defer to an ebbing of Christian influence, but to the proclamation that we no longer retain "Christian nation" status; I emphatically,...and unapologetically must say, "He's wrong!"

There's an old war movie depiction of a ranking member of the Japanese military;... speaking of their imminent Pearl Harbor invasion, he laments, " I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." Hopefully, our president's indictment of the Church,...and our, 'Christian nation' ,... will result in that same awakening !

Although we're being treated as the 'skinny' one, and having words, not sand, kicked into our faces,...there IS a simple solution. We MUST subscribe to the "body" building course the Lord Jesus has afforded us at 'no cost!' If we study His Word, and make life applications of it, we shall build up our strength. If we accept all He says, we'll have that unbreachable security. If we become Christ-like, knowing that, ("greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" ) our lights shall shine; and perhaps while not securing the world's social standing, one shall fail to recognize,..our spiritual standing !!!

Gazing up from where we've slipped, this climb appears as no small task, and may even appear somewhat daunting; but let's just ask ourselves,.... "What's at stake?"....and...."What's the alternative?"

The Scripture admonishes, yet, encourages us: 1 Peter 2:15,..."For so is the will of God, that with well-doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:"

1 comment:

  1. Yes...I was appalled and quite surprised, I might add, to hear that we are no longer considered a Christian nation. When did that happen? Nobody told me. Nobody told my friends and family that are fellow-believers. Nobody told my church. Nobody told the countless millions who call themselves Christians! Will the Church arise in unity to take one last stand? We can't afford not to!
